I am on disability with Myasthenia Gravis and fibro. I am learning not only to live with my disability but relearning doing my crafts. With a wonderful boyfriend at my side who is my biggest cheer leader and takes such wonderful care of me - who could ask for anything more???
My beautiful daughter, Jen, is the mother of my beautiful grandchildren, Lily and Adam. I also have 4 other grandchildren from my previous marriage whom I love their mothers (Jean and Barbara) as if they were my own daughters along with their children - Zack, Nick, and Luke (Jean's 3 sons), and Sasha (Barbara's daughter)
. . . .and I cannot forget my guardian angel, Molly, my youngest daughter, who I lost in 1991 at the age of 25 months.
Follow me on this journey feeling free to comment along with giving me ideas, encouragement, and inspiration!