Mickey and Friends Blog Hop
Day 2: Welcome to the first but not last Disney/Pixar Blog Hop. This hop is scheduled from September 29 at 8:00 am through September 30 at 11:00 pm.
If you have come from Shannon's blog, you are on the right track. If not and you just happened to come to this blog, you can go back to the beginning HERE and hop along with us.
We're so excited to be doing this hop and we have a fabulous lineup with some very talented ladies. There will be lots of fun projects, along with some great blog candy, and a great grand prize for this hop.
The hop is a 2-day hop so you will have plenty of time to make it through the whole hop lineup twice. Check out each blog and see what blog candy you can win at the individual stops. Please come back both days to see great projects.
Here is the complete lineup:
Lisa http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/
Shawnee http://blessedonthebrightside.com
Rachelle http://creationsbyrachelle.blogspot.com
Janet http://createatdreamscrapbooks.blogspot.com
Christina http://cema1cema.blogspot.com
Catarina http://docerelacreations.blogspot.com/
Shannon http://www.purplelionpaper.com/blog
Lynne http://slasewcraftiness.blogspot.com/
Indira http://craftyhomemade.blogspot.com/
Scrappin http://scrappindhilly.blogspot.com/
Jamie http://myamusinglife.blogspot.com
Suzanne http://cricutcraftingrammyblogspot.com/
Jearise http://lorbysworld.blogspot.com/
Jamie http://jmecreations.blogspot.com
Kristen http://fantabulouslypink.blogspot.com/
Susan http://susanascorner.blogspot.com/
Scrapping with lisa http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrapping-with-Lisa/130882060268842
Shawnee http://blessedonthebrightside.
Rachelle http://creationsbyrachelle.blo
Janet http://createatdreamscrapbooks
Christina http://cema1cema.blogspot.com
Catarina http://docerelacreations.blogs
Shannon http://www.purplelionpaper.com
Lynne http://slasewcraftiness.blogsp
Indira http://craftyhomemade.blogspot
Scrappin http://scrappindhilly.blogspot
Jamie http://myamusinglife.blogspot.
Suzanne http://cricutcraftingr
Jearise http://lorbysworld.blogspot.co
Jamie http://jmecreations.blo
Kristen http://fantabulouslypink.blogs
Susan http://susanascorner.blogspot.
Scrapping with lisa http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrapping-with-Lisa/130882060268842
There is going to be an overall grand prize sponsored by Lisa from Scrapping with Lisa and she will be the first and last stop in the lineup. In order to qualify for the grand prize, you must leave a comment on every stop in the hop. You also must become a follower of my blog and of Scrapping With Lisa on facebook. The grand prize for the blog hop is a nice grab bag full of goodies. You won't be disappointed in this prize.
Some day my Prince may come . . . .
What little girl doesn't dream of Prince Charming - this was Sasha's birthday card sew of course, I didn't have her help -- I used Cricut cartridge Happily Ever After cartridge along with Cricut Design Studio to weld the bust of Cinderella and Snow White together to form a card. What diva's!!!!
Hope you enjoy --- don't forget to leave a comment as the Cheshire cat card is being offered as my blog candy!!!
Your next stop is Indira.
Have a great day and I look forward to seeing you again.
God Bless
Hugs and Love,